Hi everyone! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with your families and had safe travels! About 2 weeks ago, I had a very intense and demanding week. School was extremely busy and just very draining in more ways than one. Not to mention, I've been having a really hard time in a couple relationships in my life that are super important, and its been very wearing on me. I've had to talk to my friends a lot and their encouragement is really great. And if you're having a very stressful time and have a good relationship with your mom, talking to your mom can be the best thing you could ask for. Not everyone has their mother in their lives for whatever reason. But, if you don't have your mom in your life, I really recommend talking to a woman who you see like a motherly figure and just talk about your struggles. Though, not every conversation is super comfortable to have with your mom, but sometimes having those difficult conversations can be some of the best things possible.

Thank you for visiting today's blog post and I hope you have a great week!
- Savannah