Hi everyone! Welcome back to Motivational Monday! Today, I'm writing this with a stuffy nose, sore throat and a "sick brain". Starting off the week with a cold, let alone an upper respiratory infection is not ideal, we still have to carry on! Though, I did take Monday off from classes, I'm planning on making my Tuesday very productive with lots of studying and catching up with my assignments. With finals approaching, I know they will be super stressful, but I'm keeping my head held high and am trying to stay motivated. These next couple weeks for me are very busy and important. I have to do well on every assignment I turn in to keep my grades where I want them to be and I'm trying to stay hopeful and productive. Though, doing that while being sick can seem even more difficult, it can be done. It just might take a little more work and concentration but I know I can do it!

Thank you for viewing today's post and I wish you a great week! I'll see you back here for Beauty Wednesday!
- Savannah