Hi everyone! Welcome back to Motivational Monday! I want to discussing the action of preparing and planning for stressful days or weeks ahead. As you know by now, I'm a college student and the week before Thanksgiving break will be essentially hell on earth. I have four major exams and a massive paper due in a five day time period which means my schedule is going to be literally insane. This will mean a ton of studying, reviewing, and yes even more studying. Which means any and everything will take a seat back in my priority list. Though it feels like I have a million different things on my shoulders, I need to keep my self care on the priority list as well. A few of the mandatory things I have to do to keep myself up and to function properly I need to make sure I:
- eat meals
- take study breaks (don't study for hours straight with no breaks!!)
- take regular showers
- take some time to wind down before bed
- do a face mask and just relax
All these things I've listed are important when taking care of myself while still being productive and studying like I need to be. Sleep is such an important thing for me. I have to have a decent night's sleep for me to be the slightest bit productive the next day. So going to bed at 4 a.m. just doesn't work for me and at that point, is just unreasonable and idiotic. So making sure you're well-rested is key.
Thank you so much for visiting today's blog post and I hope you have an amazing week! - Savannah
